Saturday, July 23, 2011

2nd BBQ Get Together

Pere Ocean organises it's 2nd BBQ Get Together @ Paris Ris NTUC Chalet. On the day of the BBQ, another Historic event also took place on the same night - The Malaysia Cup: Singapore Vs Malaysia (Result: Singapore 5 Malaysia 3)
Event: BBQ Get - Together
Date: 23rd July 2011 (Saturday)
Time: From 5.00 P.M. onwards
Venue: Costa Sands Resort Downtown East
Chalet Block: J
Pit No: 1907
You may sms me or Steven for the chalet unit on the day itself).
Pere Ocean Staff gathered for food and a great time of bondings.
This fire was been set up by................... some Fire Specialist, let's tuck in guys.
Let the party begin.

Friday, July 1, 2011

SAF DAY 2011

Today is SAF Day.
This will be the 2nd time that Pere Ocean has organised an Internal SAF Rededication Ceremony for their staff.
Photos of the SAF Pledge will be loaded up soon.

Here's the SAF Day Pledge

Members of the Singapore Armed Forces
Do solemnly and sincerely pledge that
We will always bear true fatith and allegiance
To the President
and the Republic of Singapore
We will always support
and defend the constitution
We will preserve and protect
the honour and independence of our country
with our Lives.