Friday, October 29, 2010

PereOcean Bowling Day

Staff of PereOcean, gathered at Ochid Country Club for their regular Friendly Bowling Competition. It does not matter how good you are or how bad a bowler you may be. What's important is, Just join in and have Fun!!
Our Uncle Jim
Guan, Christine and Jasmine.
Guys .......... what happen to Wen Qiang???
October Babies Birthday Celebration
Suddenly I think I spotted a "M" finger......... whose whose ???????
Wen Qiang and Buddy
Group Photo taken after the game....
Men only!
Ladies only..............aiyoh, what is that fellow doing there??? ZZZZZZZZ
Looking earnestly at the score board.............
The 3 Brothers................... And it was a ................
SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............. Fatimah Bowling
Christine Bowling
Jasmine Bowling

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

PereOcean Bowling Competition

PereOcean Annual Bowling Competition is back.
Date: October 15 (Friday)
Time: After working Hour
Venue: Orchid Country Club
Transport: Provided
Dinner: Provided

Thursday, August 19, 2010

SAF DAY 2010

Pere Ocean organise an in-house Rededication Ceremony on SAF Day (1st July) in their Senoko premises. After the in-house ceremony, Col. Yau T.H. call us back for a simple gathering as well as the presentation of this plague.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Singapore 2010

Theme Song for this year's National Day 2010
PereOcean wishes Singapore - A blessed 45th Year of Nation Building.
Happy Birthday Singapore^^

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pere Ocean Bowling Event

Yo guys, the Bowling event is back.
We will be releasing the date soon.
Stay tune.......

Date: ???
Venue: Orchard Country Club Bowling Alley
Time: After work

Friday, July 2, 2010

SAF Day Followed by Pere Ocean BBQ

A Appreciation from SAF. Receive this from Col. Yau T.H. at Mount Faber Safra

1ST July 2010 (Tuesday)
This is the 1st time that Wanin Industries has planned to organise a internal SAF Re-dedication Ceremony for SAF Day which falls on 1st July.
So at about 5.30pm, All staff gather at the office entrance lobby and Mr Tan (CEO), led the team and together, all of us participated in our 1st SAF Pledge commitment towards Total Defence of Singapore.

2nd July 2010 (Friday)
After the SAF Re-dedication Service, we than proceeded to plan for a BBQ which falls on the 2nd July 2010. This is also inconjuction to celebrating SAF Day as a company.
We set out as plan but as it was raining from 12pm+ onwards till 6pm. We decided to shift the BBQ from Sembawang Beach back to the Store.
Despite the rain, everyone still had a very fun evening.
Thanks everyone for the Support ^^

1st July 2010
Collected all this from CMPB.
The Team together with Mr Jerry Tan, gathered at the lobby to watch the SAF Day Message from Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence - Mr Teo
After the Message, Mr Jerry Tan (CEO), led the Team to recite the SAF Pledge.
Group picture taken after the pledge.

2nd July BBQ
Our Pere Ocean drivers
See, all of us happily enjoying our food
Our professional Satay Man - Hasan (dun play play)
More joined makes cooking faster and fun too.
Ops, catch Jannie walking pass the camera. She was also helping out ^^
Adoi, Xiao Cheng, No more fire still fan what! Hahahahahaha

See Fatimah Munching away zzzzzzzzz

Food includes: Satay, Otah, Fried Rice, Chillied Sotong, Flower Crab, Chicken Wings, Salmon Fish....etc Not forgetting Carlsberg beer and other juices.

Finally, the 2nd pit is also been setted up.........ready for more actions.
Finally, the satay man also decides to take a break lolzzzzzzzz
See the Floooooooooooooower Crab!
See! Aunty Fatimah smiling so happily and posing with her Flower Club.
Also not forgetting those birthday that falls in the month of July.
Here are all the Birthday Boys. Total 3 of them.
I thought I mentioned 3. How come Xiao Cheng is in this pix?
Happy Birthday Boyzzzzz.
In this photo: Sim, Ardi and Reimi
The rose among the thorns lolzzzzzzzzzz